Trying to love me
This post is going to be difficult to write. It might be difficult for some people to read. This is your warning. If you have been in a toxic relationship, whether it be a parent, a significant other or a friend, this could be triggering. I had a friend. I called her my best friend. More than that I called her my sister. We grew up together in church, from the toddler room through the youth group and high school graduation. We had our ups and downs. A lot of ups and downs. I never thought about why that was. I figured friends fight. Right? Well, fast forward to 2016. I lost my Gram in February of that year. She lost her mom right after that. During this time I was figuring out that MY mom is a narcissist. I was also figuring out that this friend really only wanted to spend time with me if I was the one who drove 4 hours to wherever she was living at the time, dragging my kids with me. Then she would come to visit her family, who live...